Session 1 focuses on the basics of the Bible: the integrity of the Word of God, how the Word of God came to us, the characteristics of God’s Word, and the blessings of His Word.
Verses: 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 7:12; 10:17; 15:4; Ps. 12:6; 19:7; 138:2; 119:97-100, 160; Num. 23:19; 2 Tim. 3:15-16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21; Gal. 1:11; John 8:32; 17:17; Luke 24:32; Jer. 15:16
Teacher: John Schoenheit, Sue Carlson
This session continues to unfold the many facets of the gift of holy spirit. This one gift has many functions, and we as Christians...
This session provides descriptions of what paradise will look like and explains how we will spend eternity. God designed us to work, and various...
Session 3 highlights the fact that God’s Word is verifiable through scientific, archaeological, and historical records. Scriptures cited include accurate descriptions of weather patterns...