Session 12 covers the fundamentals of being saved, that is, being “born again.” Faith is at the root of pleasing God. It is essential for the new birth, the gift of salvation, which we learn is easy and free to obtain. The teaching continues with discussion about the concepts of grace and works, crucial elements which differentiate how the Old and New Testaments address salvation and righteousness.
Verses: Heb. 11:1, 6-7; 11:22; 2 Cor. 5:7; 10:15; Luke 17:5; Rom. 3:19-24; 10:9-10,17; 1 Tim. 2:3-4; Acts 16:22-32; 21:17-21; Eph, 2:8-9; Deut. 6:25; John 3:16
Teacher: John Schoenheit; Sue Carlson
Session 8 begins with the statement “The whole Bible is about two men,” the first Adam who ruined everything by bringing on the moment...
In Session 10, the teachers continue their quest to challenge tradition vs. Biblical truth by addressing where the dead are now, and where they...
Session 11 highlights the fact that the entire Bible, from Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:21, points to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. ...